Category: game

Twist & Shout Phonics

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Twist & Shout Phonics is an educational toy designed for use by children between the ages of four and seven with cognitive or learning disabilities. Designed to teach and quiz letters, phonics, and spelling, as well as helping to build vocabulary, this self-contained talking tube-shaped unit offers four games and appealing music. Game one teaches letters and phonic sounds to a funky beat. Game two quizzes children on what they have learned, requiring them to press a button to select the correct answer. Game three asks players to spell simple words by twisting the dial on the unit. Game four encourages children to create three-letter words by filling in the missing letters for the word displayed on the screen. The unit congratulates children on every correct answer and provides the answer when help is needed. This game is equipped with automatic shutoff. POWER: Uses three triple-A batteries (included).


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Leapfrog Enterprises, Inc.
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Phone: 800-701-5327
Blind & Low Vision, Recreation, Educational Management